January 02, 2012

New Year - New Farm

The new year has started off snowy and windy after a very mild November and December.  There have been many things happening here, including the purchase of another farm just down the dirt road from Fox Hill.  It's a farm we've all admired for years...I still remember the first time I ever laid eyes on that farm many years ago.  We drove down the big hill and there it was sprawling out in front of us, land sweeping down towards a beautiful setting with the house and barn.  We never expected it to be for sale, and never expected that it might work out for us to purchase it.  But on Labor Day I was driving by and saw the realty sign and a few weeks later we'd made the offer to purchase.  We closed in late November and it's still a little hard to believe it now belongs to our family. 

A few photos of the new farm are included here, more to come when spring arrives and we can take inventory of all that encompasses our new purchase.   The numerous ponds are all frozen over right now, but in the spring, the returning geese should once again arrive to raise their little families and we'll be awaiting their arrival with cameras in hand.


Inspector Clouseau said...

Wow. Simply beautiful shots. Nice blog work. I came across your blog while “blog surfing” using the Next Blog button on the Nav Bar located at the top of my blogger.com site. I frequently just travel around looking for other blogs which exist on the Internet, and the various, creative ways in which people express themselves. Thanks for sharing, and best wishes for the New Year.

Jennarator15 said...

Oh, it's lovely!!

Khrystynaaa said...

These are incredible! I love how beautiful and fresh the grass looks. It sounds strange, but I live in a city where concrete is all I see.

Katie said...

I Love this! This is in my dreams for my future!

RAN IN JAN said...

you have a lovely farm..