August 28, 2010

You Guessed It: More Garden Updates

Our apologies if you're growing tired of the garden updates, but since it IS that time of year, we can't resist sharing a bit more of our veggie fun:

These guys are HOT... but they are so pretty with their brilliant foliage and fruit, they earned a place in the garden simply for that reason.

Here are the White Wonder cucumbers. They have produced abundantly and are positively crispy--truly delicious.

And last but not least, here is a pepper that is decidedly not hot--a delightfully sweet King of the North that is turning a deep red.

August 23, 2010

We ♥ Potatoes

We're harvesting potatoes!

The Yukon Golds were ready first--so we had a few meals of new potatoes and now are letting the rest of them wait underground so that they will be better suited for storage.

(There are a couple of Purple Vikings in the photo, too--we wanted to test them out)

And here is how they grow--rather amazing, isn't it?

If you haven't yet checked out Samantha's article in the current issue of Hobby Farm Home, don't miss One Potato, Two Potato in the September/October 2010 issue.

August 15, 2010

Have You Seen Jimmy Lately?

About a year ago, this was Jimmy (known more officially as Miracle Jack Bee Nimble). He was a week old in this photo:

We thought you might enjoy seeing how Jimmy is looking now, just after his first birthday...

and another view....

He has certainly grown a bit, hasn't he??? :-)

(BTW, Jimmy is available for sale, visit our pony site for more details)

August 10, 2010

Garden Update : Heirloom Beans

It's August, and we're harvesting beans.
As you may recall, we planted three varieties of heirloom beans this year:

  • Empress
  • Dragon's Tongue
  •  Bountiful

As usual, Empress is outproducing everyone else. We've been picking and picking and eating and eating and there are still more coming along. Here are a few:
But we have to admit that Dragon's Tongue is holding its own--the plants are loaded with these delightful speckled beans. They have been very prolific thus far, in addition to being of superior taste.



As for poor Bountiful... it wasn't. Sadly, it didn't meet our expectations in terms of production. We harvested a few, but the amount was nothing like that of Empress or Dragon's Tongue.

But that's part of the fun of experimenting w/ new and different varieties. Some are better than you expect, some don't quite measure up. It's always enjoyable, though!