August 28, 2010

You Guessed It: More Garden Updates

Our apologies if you're growing tired of the garden updates, but since it IS that time of year, we can't resist sharing a bit more of our veggie fun:

These guys are HOT... but they are so pretty with their brilliant foliage and fruit, they earned a place in the garden simply for that reason.

Here are the White Wonder cucumbers. They have produced abundantly and are positively crispy--truly delicious.

And last but not least, here is a pepper that is decidedly not hot--a delightfully sweet King of the North that is turning a deep red.

1 comment:

Jennarator15 said...

Mmm, yummy, except maybe for those HOT peppers. :) I am not a fan of spicy things. :) Our garden unfortunately was destroyed by army well as a lot of our grass. :(